
Every Thursday: No frills, no click-through, no spam.

Here's what the latest issue looks like:

Logo ElixirWeekly by @elixirstatus Issue #119
This week in Elixir

JWT Auth in Phoenix with Joken
Great post by Sophie on how to decode ECDSA-Key-Signed JWTs in Elixir.

Is Elixir a Scripting Language?
Elixir is known for being a language made for building distributed applications that scale, are massively concurrent, and have self-healing properties. But is Elixir also a language that can be used for scripting?

A Sneak Peek at Ecto 3.0: Query Improvements (part 2)
With Ecto 3.0, it is now possible to add unions/excepts/intersects to queries!

Cachex v3.1 and the Return of Distributed Caches
This is the announcement post for Cachex v3.1, which brings support for running a cache across Erlang processes (and physical machines).

Compact Sparse Merkle Trees
The Compact Sparse Merkle Trees package implements the CSMT whitepaper.

Announcing Slax -- An Elixir SAX Parser
Ben wrote a blog post announcing a new Hex package for SAX parsing of XML documents.

Even more from around the Elixir community

ElixirMix 023 - Beyond the DSL with Arjan Scherpenisse Podcast

Use Link and Monitor in Erlang & Elixir to Know when a Process Exits Video

Mixing warsaw.ex Meetup

Hot Code Reloading in Elixir Blog post

The Power of Git Hooks Blog post

Easily Hook into Your Function Calls with Interceptor Blog post

Open Sourcing Imager - Yet Another Image Processing Service Blog post

Gossip Websocket Sync Protocol Blog post

Getting Started with Ecto Part 1: Installing and Configuring Ecto Blog post

Applying SPARQL.ex to RDF Shapes Blog post

Setup Your new Project with Shiny New Versions of Elm and Phoenix Blog post

Cachex v3.1 and the Return of Distributed Caches Blog post

EventBus v1.6.0 is out Project update

Spandex v2.4.0: Now with support for decorators! Project update

Morphix v0.4.0 released Project update

That's it for this round, have a great day!
@rrrene from ElixirWeekly

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Feedback? Questions? Anything else?

Please contact René Föhring (email or tweet @rrrene for a quick conversation).