
Every Thursday: No frills, no click-through, no spam.

Here's what the latest issue looks like:

Logo ElixirWeekly by @elixirstatus Issue #132
This week in Elixir

Elixir Phoenix: How I Turned A Function Into Raw SQL And Then Into Ecto Queries
This originated as an interesting Twitter discussion, which Brian turned into a comprehensive blog post.

Elixir v1.8.0 released
It seems like yesterday when 1.7 came out ... Time flies!

MecksUnit: Elegantly Mock Module Functions in (async) ExUnit Tests
A simple Elixir package to elegantly mock module functions within (asynchronous) ExUnit tests using Erlang's :meck library.

Monitoring Your Elixir App with Telemetry
Read how to use Telemetry to hook into your app and record Prometheus metrics.

Capturing Functions and Expressions in Elixir
David looks at capturing functions and expressions, which can make Elixir code more concise.

Cool CLIs in Elixir with IO.write/2
Dennis shows us how to use Elixir to craft cool CLI output.

That's it for this round, have a great day!
@rrrene from ElixirWeekly

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Can I submit things I made to be included in the next issue?

Yes! Simply post them to ElixirStatus and you can be sure that they land on my radar.

Is my email address safe with you?

Yes. I'd like to consider myself a trustworthy individual, but then who doesn't?

I am, however, an active member of the open-source Elixir community and the maintainer of Credo and ElixirStatus. I will NOT ruin my reputation by selling your data to a third party.

Why do you require me to confirm my email address?

I just believe that requiring double opt-in to subscribe to any email-based system is a win for both parties: You are safe from unintentionally subscribing and I can be confident that you actually own the email address and want to receive the newsletter I send you :)


Feedback? Questions? Anything else?

Please contact René Föhring (email or tweet @rrrene for a quick conversation).