
Every Thursday: No frills, no click-through, no spam.

Here's what the latest issue looks like:

Logo ElixirWeekly by @elixirstatus Issue #345
This week in Elixir

ACL Checks in LiveView Using Function Decorators
Arjan shows us how to create a function decorator for easier security checks in LiveView event handlers.

Introducing Lazyasdf
Mitchel wrote a Terminal User Interface (TUI) for asdf. Great read for terminal lovers!

Globally Distributed Elixir over Tailscale
The first part of my journey into multi-cloud globally distributed Elixir

Are one of These LiveView Anti Patterns Lurking in Your Codebase?
Over the past 3 years of writing LiveView in production John has come across these 4 anti patterns in LiveView applications.

Even more from around the Elixir community

Elixir Outlaws: Checking Under the Hood of Cars.com Podcast

Thinking Elixir: Network Programming with Elixir and Andrea Leopardi Podcast

Phoenix LiveView Streams Video

Justin Wood, Query Debugging and Optimization in Postgres Video

Animating LiveView Deletions with JS.hide/2 & JS.push/2 Video

What's a Process in Elixir? Blog post

Delete File After Sending in Phoenix Blog post

Creating a Frontend Style Guide with Phoenix Components Blog post

Integrate Mermaid with NimblePublisher in two Lines of Code Blog post

Elixir Railway Oriented Programming Blog post

What Does AI Dream About? Stable Diffusion in Elixir | Curiosum Blog post

Interview with Holden Oullette: Elixir Security, the Sobelow Project, and Scaling Developer Education Blog post

What Does AI Dream About? Stable Diffusion in Elixir Blog post

ecto_cursor_based_stream Project update

That's it for this round, have a great day!
@rrrene from ElixirWeekly

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Yes! Simply post them to ElixirStatus and you can be sure that they land on my radar.

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Yes. I'd like to consider myself a trustworthy individual, but then who doesn't?

I am, however, an active member of the open-source Elixir community and the maintainer of Credo and ElixirStatus. I will NOT ruin my reputation by selling your data to a third party.

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I just believe that requiring double opt-in to subscribe to any email-based system is a win for both parties: You are safe from unintentionally subscribing and I can be confident that you actually own the email address and want to receive the newsletter I send you :)


Feedback? Questions? Anything else?

Please contact René Föhring (email or tweet @rrrene for a quick conversation).