
Every Thursday: No frills, no click-through, no spam.

Here's what the latest issue looks like:

This week in Elixir

GenServers and Memory Images
Cory shows us why Elixir's GenServers and Martin Fowler's Memory Images Pattern are a match made in heaven.

A basic OpenTracing demo in Elixir with Otter
Jonathan made a quick example showing how to get started with OpenTracing and Elixir using the wonderful Otter Erlang library.

Giving Phoenix Contexts some Context
Wiebe-Marten wrote a blog post explaining Contexts in Phoenix because of the recent debate and confusion on what they can do for you.

VersionEye - Support for Elixir & Hex
VersionEye notifies you about security vulnerabilities, license violations and out-dated dependencies. It now (finally) supports Elixir & Hex.

Ex Manga Downloadr - Properly dealing with large Collections
Follow-up post by Akita about a a performance problem using Flow.

Page-Specific Titles in Phoenix
When each page has the same title, that's a pretty awful user experience. Josh shows you how to introduce page-specific titles to your Phoenix project.

TIL about Ecto Schema @derive
Nizar wrote a post about @derive and how to use it to render the JSON representation of an Ecto.Schema via Poison.

Even more from around the Elixir community

Elixir Barcelona - José Valim and Xavier Noria Video

ElixirConf US - 5-8 Sep - Bellevue Conference

Multi Tenancy in Phoenix 1.3 Video

Elixir.LDN 2017 - 17 Aug - London Conference

Going real-time with Phoenix Channels and RethinkDB Blog post

Rephink: A real-time stack based on Phoenix Framework, RethinkDB, Elm, Webpack (Part 2: The Flow) Blog post

Elixir for Java Developers, Episode II Blog post

Performance variations of string substitution in Elixir Blog post

String.Naming to call UTF8 by name Blog post

Integrate PayUMoney Payment Gateway In Node.js and Meteor.js Blog post

Day 5: First working prototype of the webserver Blog post

Monitoring Absinthe/GraphQL with PryIn Blog post

Try out your code on the latest OTP and Elixir Blog post

exmqttc - Your trusty MQTT client Project update

OpenCagex - OpenCage Geocoder API client Project update

Mix task to decompiling Elixir modules to Erlang Project update

WebSockex 0.3.0 Project update

That's it for this round, have a great day!
@rrrene from ElixirWeekly

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Feedback? Questions? Anything else?

Please contact René Föhring (email or tweet @rrrene for a quick conversation).