
Issue #6: Phoenix Special, Understanding Elixir Recompilation, rebar3_elixir, ESpec 1.0.0 and more

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Issue #6 - Phoenix Special

Rise From the Ashes — Incremental APIs With Phoenix
What if we could incrementally replace our legacy API with Phoenix, one endpoint at a time?

Why Phoenix is exciting for the modern web
A blog post on what Phoenix brings to the web, with Elixir and the Erlang Virtual Machine (BEAM).

Server integration testing in Phoenix
Server integration tests in Phoenix should be fast, readable and maintainable. phoenix_integration has similiarities to Capybara, but is better as it Elixir/Phoenix native. Learn how and why to use it.

Phoenix Channels vs Rails Action Cable
Technically this article should have belonged in last week's Issue. If you - like me - missed it, check it out!

Counter Caching in Ecto/Phoenix
How to replicate ActiveRecord's counter cache using Ecto changesets.

This week in Elixir

[VIDEO] Using Ecto outside of Phoenix
In this talk, Geoffrey Lessel shows us how to use Ecto outside of Phoenix.

Meet ESpec 1.0.0!
Behaviour Driven Development for Elixir gets a little extra: ESpec 1.0.0 was released, so give it a (second) look!

This is the first release of rebar3_elixir, a rebar3 plugin to build and embed Elixir applications in Erlang projects.

Defining a guard-safe modulo operation in Elixir
Wiebe-Marten wrote about the 'easy' task of defining a guard-safe modulo operation in Elixir, and the roller-coaster ride that happened next.

Understanding Elixir Recompilation
Milhouse describes why recompilation in Elixir happens and the process & tools that he used to untangle his code base and avoid the massive recompilations he was seeing.

Safeguard web service failures in Elixir with Fuse
Don't let failing APIs get you down. If your software depends on various services, service failures can compromise your application.

Even more from around the Elixir community

Elixir Fountain with Ben Marx Podcast

Elixir Remote Meetup #3 is coming next Tuesday! Meetup

[Elixir 260] Native Implemented Functions (NIFs) Video

[Elixir 261] GenStage By Way of Pairing Video

Inspect the data passed between GenStages Gist

Solve your sudoku puzzles with Elixir  ( Part 2) Blog post

Meteor in the Front, Phoenix in the Back Blog post

Integrating CircleCI with Elixir/Phoenix Blog post

Solve your sudoku puzzles with Elixir Blog post

Using Phoenix with Docker Blog post

Phoenix/Webpack/Docker/Elastic Beanstalk setup Project update

Elixir Machine Learning library released Project update

phoenix_integration 0.1.1 is released Project update

AES_128 in CTR mode and RSA Project update

Abacus.eval "1 + (2 / 4)" == 3 Project update

Kerosene v0.3.0 released Project update

IntelliJ Elixir v4.2.0 Project update

Kafka Consumer Project update

That's it for this round, have a great day!
@rrrene from ElixirWeekly

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Feedback? Questions? Anything else?

Please contact René Föhring (email or tweet @rrrene for a quick conversation).