
Every Thursday: No frills, no click-through, no spam.

Here's what the latest issue looks like:

This week in Elixir

Hex introduces private packages and organizations
Eric has announced the addition of private packages on Hex.pm. With private packages you can publish packages to Hex.pm that only your organization members can access and download.

Elixir's built-in documentation and testing tools
Elixir has amazing built-in features which let you test the code inside the documentation.

Book Release: Learn Functional Programming with Elixir
Last week, The Pragmatic Bookshelf started the sales of Learn Functional Programming with Elixir written by David. In this blog post, he tells us about the motivation for writing a book, its contents and its future.

Publish/subscribe with PostgreSQL and Phoenix Framework
What if your database could notify you when your data changes? Turns out that PostgreSQL actually can. See how it plays with Phoenix channels and Elm frontend.

Starter project for Elixir, Phoenix, Channels, Ueberauth and Elm
This is a starter repo for Phoenix with Elm support.

Elixir Logger and the Power of Metadata
David looks at the ways in which Elixir's Logger can produce incredibly useful logs by adding contextual metadata.

Even more from around the Elixir community

TIL: How to change Phoenix development server port Misc

ElixirFountain w/ Anna Neyzberg Podcast

The Changelog #261: Elixir and Nerves with Tim Mecklem Podcast

ex_debug_toolbar in action Video

ExMachina - Generating awesome Test Data Video

How We Created Elixir University Course - Elixir.LDN 2017 Video

Profiling and Tracing for all - Elixir.LDN 2017 Video

Elixir Umbrella - Microservices or Majestic Monolith? - Elixir.LDN 2017 Video

How to Sell Elixir - Elixir.LDN 2017 Video

Monads for the Working Alchemist - Elixir.LDN 2017 Video

Working with HTTP/2 in Elixir - Elixir.LDN 2017 Video

An Elixir Refactoring Blog post

Deploying Elixir with Docker Part 3 Blog post

Test-Driving a Stream-powered Elixir Library Blog post

Practicing Elixir - or any - programming language Blog post

Automating Elixir Tests — A Quick Guide to CI with Bitbucket Blog post

Coding and Learning Should Never Stop, Open Sourcing is Caring Blog post

Python vs. elixir for a web-app wrapper for a script Blog post

10 Killer Elixir Tips #6 Blog post

ExInsights Project update

Working Guardian Authentication Template Project update

Announcing Crawler v1.0.0 - easy web crawling via GenStage Project update

That's it for this round, have a great day!
@rrrene from ElixirWeekly

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Yes! Simply post them to ElixirStatus and you can be sure that they land on my radar.

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Yes. I'd like to consider myself a trustworthy individual, but then who doesn't?

I am, however, an active member of the open-source Elixir community and the maintainer of Credo and ElixirStatus. I will NOT ruin my reputation by selling your data to a third party.

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I just believe that requiring double opt-in to subscribe to any email-based system is a win for both parties: You are safe from unintentionally subscribing and I can be confident that you actually own the email address and want to receive the newsletter I send you :)


Feedback? Questions? Anything else?

Please contact René Föhring (email or tweet @rrrene for a quick conversation).