
Every Thursday: No frills, no click-through, no spam.

Here's what the latest issue looks like:

This week in Elixir

Thoughtful Logging in Elixir: A Phoenix Story
The choices you make at foundational points of your architecture can have massive implications for your Elixir applications down the road. Logging is no exception.

Asynchronicity in Elixir - Best Effort vs. Guaranteed Execution
Sam wrote this article exploring what guaranteed execution means in an environment of ephemeral containers.

Bubblescript - Beyond the DSL
This is a post by the fine folks at Botsquad.com, explaining how their interpreted DSL for writing conversational apps and chatbots works, from an Elixir point of view.

Elixir, Phoenix, CSRF tokens and gloomy foreteller
Mateusz wrote a blog post which explains CSRF protection in Phoenix.

Hammer v4.0.0
Hammer is a rate-limiter with pluggable backends.

How I Sped up my XML Parser by 15 Times
Cẩm tells the story of how he sped up his XML parser by using binary parsing optimizations in Elixir.

Even more from around the Elixir community

Encoding Ecto structs into JSON Video

ElixirOutlaws - Is This the Show? - Property Testing Podcast

Setting the Isolation Level in Ecto Transactions Blog post

You Don’t Know OTP Blog post

Generating a Bitcoin Wallet Seed in Elixir Blog post

Property-based Testing Blog post

A Beautiful Love Between Elixir & Programmer  Blog post

Migration Script Supports Migrate/rollback/seed when Releasing Phoenix/OTP App Blog post

Connecting an Elixir Node to the Bitcoin Network Blog post

Giving a Broken Barcode Scanner New Life with Elixir and Nerves Blog post

I/O Polling Options in OTP 21 Blog post

ExVenture Updates for April 2018 Blog post

Mix Format in vim from Anywhere (or Just in Umbrella Apps) Blog post

Ace 0.16.1 adding connection info to request handlers Project update

ModestEx - First major release v1.0.0 Project update

elasticsearch-elixir v0.3.0 Project update

plymio_fontais v0.1.1 Project update

plymio_codi v0.1.0 Project update

plymio_funcio v0.1.0 Project update

That's it for this round, have a great day!
@rrrene from ElixirWeekly

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Feedback? Questions? Anything else?

Please contact René Föhring (email or tweet @rrrene for a quick conversation).