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Logo ElixirWeekly by @elixirstatus Issue #126
This week in Elixir

String.to_existing_atom/1 is a Double-edged Sword
Jacek presents one of the relatively few gotchas in Elixir.

🎄 Advent of Code with Elixir, Day 1
For this year’s Advent Of Code, Sean will be posting his solutions in Elixir with a breakdown of how the functions work and things he learned along the way.

Building a new MySQL Adapter for Ecto, Part II: Encoding/Decoding
Last time Wojtek briefly looked at encoding and decoding data over MySQL wire protocol. In this article he will dive deeper into that topic.

Why Discord, Pinterest, Moz and Bleacher Report use Elixir
Cyprian wrote this "Why Elixir is the Best" article, which you can show to your manager, if he or she needs any more convincing :-)

TIL About `IO.inspect/2`'s `:label` Option
Today ElixirSchool is officially debuting their new TIL blog series with IO.inspect/2's label option!

AWS Announced Upcoming Support for Elixir on Lambda
AWS announced upcoming support for Elixir on Lambda (along with Erlang, Cobol and others).

Even more from around the Elixir community

Elixir Outlaws: Dad Jokes with José Podcast

ElixirMix Podcast 030 - Writing Great Unit Tests with Devon Estes Podcast

Leandro Bighetti - How to Teach Elixir to Non-functional Developers - Code BEAM Lite Berlin 18 Video

Types on the BEAM - What Else can They do - a Shallow Dive Video

Elixir Phoenix 1.4 Deployments with Distillery and Edeliver on Ubuntu Blog post

IEx Remote Shell into Your Elixir Driven GRiSP Board Blog post

Analyzing Phoenix Performance Using Graylog  Blog post

ExVenture Updates for November 2018 Blog post

The Best of Access @ Elixir Blog post

A Starter Project with Goodies: Phoenix 1.4, Elm 0.19, and Parcel Blog post

Second Installment of the @frame_io Phoenix Upgrade Saga! Blog post

Elixir-Elm Project from Zero to Deployment (using Docker) Blog post

Assertions - Helping you Write Better Tests Project update

Viberex: Viber REST API wrapper in Elixir Project update

erlang-rocksdb v0.26.0 released Project update

u2f_ex: A pure-elixir u2f implementation Project update

That's it for this round, have a great day!
@rrrene from ElixirWeekly

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Yes! Simply post them to ElixirStatus and you can be sure that they land on my radar.

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Feedback? Questions? Anything else?

Please contact René Föhring (email or tweet @rrrene for a quick conversation).